*NOVEL: Help! I'm Trapped in My Lunch Lady's Body by: Todd Strasser
*GENRE: Fiction
**Mrs. Derheimer's class and my class have divided into two groups. One group will stay with me to read and do activities about the story Help! I'm Trapped in My Lunch Lady's Body. The other half of the class will be reading and doing activities around Chocolate Fever with Mrs. Derheimer until the end of the school year.
**Please remember to listen to your child read each week. Encourage fluency, expression and tone as he/she reads. It is also important to discuss the reading to improve comprehension.
**Reading calendars and Read and Responds are due the last school day of each week. I will return your child's calendar that day.
**A minimum of five Accelerated Reader points are due at the end of each nine weeks. The students participate in silent reading each school day to help them reach this goal. Please encourage your child to read AR books for their monthly calendar also.
**Please remember, students receiving a passing grade on their reading calendar and read and responds each month are eligible for a Pizza Hut certificate. Please let me know if you are interested in a certificate once your child's grade is sent home in their Friday Folder.